All of us at Creative Coaching and want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Blessed, Peaceful and Healthy New Year
Although 2020 was a train wreck thanks to Covid, the end is closer than further. Let's have gratitude for what we have, remember those who we have lost; and prepare for a bright future.
In 2020, we delivered a brand new state-of-the-art E-Learning System, thirty new coaches joined our team, each with amazing credentials and skill-sets; and we added an upgraded Profit Acceleration Software System which gives our clients
quite an edge.
In spite of Covid the majority of our clients were up greater than 20% with many having their best year. With our help, 53 businesses avoided bankruptcy (Thank God), 23 clients became millionaires and 1 person was saved from committing suicide (again, Thank God).
We donated over $250,000 in pro-bono work and we will not rest until everyone and anyone who needs or wants our help is served.
And trust us when we say this is just the start.
We have several projects in the works for 2021 that will blow your mind, so stay tuned. We continue to revolutionize the coaching profession!
We want you to know we treasure our relationship with you, and we'll continue to innovate every aspect of the coaching profession... and pass along those innovations to you so you're always positioned as the preeminent authority in the
your business.
As you celebrate the holidays take time to have gratitude for the blessings that you have. Always remember to help those less fortunate; and prepare and plan to create an amazing 2021.
So let me end by saying thank you for being a valued member of our community. Enjoy the holidays and please spend safe time with family.
Happy holidays everyone!
With gratitude,