What’s going on out there is scary but I think there are a lot of opportunities. Just as I wrote last year, every crisis brings opportunity.
Example, kids are going back to school over the next few weeks. Should they wear masks? Will they wear masks? Do they have to wear masks is going to be a huge debate and probably will become quite heated. Many parents will not know what to do. Many schools will not know what to do.
To me, that is a huge opportunity. What can you innovate in your present business that will help or solve this particular problem? Maybe a dentist or a Chiropractor can create a "learning or study room" where kids that are being home-schooled can go while their parents are being treated.
My suggestions right now (in no particular order):
1st - Start highlighting delivery and 3rd party delivery more than normal. There are going to be some people who are going to go back into lock-down mode, so let's give them options. It might not be the most profitable, but in the short term, let's capture that sale. For my health care providers, we discussed telemedicine options, exercise via skype etc. For my restaurant owners and pharmacy owners, home delivery is
still key.
2nd - Make some posts about what you're doing to make sure your business is as safe as possible. Show staff cleaning. Tell a story about how you care. Demonstrate how you care. People are back into freak-out mode. You have to quell their fears.
3rd - Not only make your place much cleaner and safer, but make sure it's VERY noticeable during busy times. People believe what they see. If they see a person wiping down the facility more than normal it will reinforce the message and “prove it.” Even if you’re place is already pretty clean, the optics will make a huge difference and help with word of mouth.
4th - Know what's happening around you. What schools or companies are closed? Share it online. What companies are having employees not reporting in as usual? Share it online. Did Publix or Costco run out of an item? Share it online. The more you know, the more you can share this stuff. Maybe assign one of your staff to research this and pass it on to share to those on your list and online.
5th - Create some specials to capitalize on #4. You should have a database of over 4,000 people mostly from 3 miles around your place of business. Do you SEE NOW HOW IMPORTANT HAVING AN IN-HOUSE DATABASE IS? You can reach them FAST & often. Use it. Stay top of mind.
6th - Ramp up your social media posts, be more visible than EVER! Your competitors don't know what to do. Post as much as possible. Get your brand in everyone's timeline while others sit on their hands.
7th-if you have to quarantine and shut down you will need cash. This is why I have taught you to create an emergency fund equal to a minimum of 12 months business and office expenses. You will only need 6 weeks now at most, and probably won’t need anything at all. If you don’t have an emergency fund, find money NOW! I believe that PayPal has re-instituted a 6-month $50,000 interest-free loan.
Google other sources and if needed let me know I will reach out to money lenders and banks.
8th- Keep yourself healthy by doing the common sense things I outlined previously
a. stress reduction
b. gratitude exercises
c. exercise
d. get enough sleep
e. vitamin and enzyme regimens to boost your immune system
f. Vaccination is a personal choice so I will let you decide that one for yourself
g. Read and listen to positive-oriented material instead of the gloom and doom of the media
9th-Use this time to evaluate how good or poor your systems are and then fix accordingly. Eg. If you don’t have a data base discuss with me on upcoming calls.
10th -Look for opportunity in the stock market. It will be volatile but look at it like this. Did the market go a lot higher after the crash of ‘29? The crash of ‘87? The Cuban-Missile Crisis and 911? Did it go higher after last year's initial COVID-19's appearance? It will be a lot higher in the future too.
I hope that helps? Write or call with any other questions. This is a time to be proactive. Stay top of mind. Show you care. Clean like crazy. And give them options for delivery. If anyone needs me, I am available virtually 24/7. Reach out to me and if you get VM leave a message, I will get back to you.
Now is the time to reconnect with family, read, help other family members and friends who are less fortunate or God-forbid sick. We just got back from New York. It was nice to see my family who I have not seen in 2 years. It was weird not having my Mom with us (we lost her in February) but I guess that is another rite of passage.
Hang in there, this too shall pass, I promise. Speak to you next week.
I am ready, willing, and able to use my 35 years of business experience to help you. Click here for a free and no-obligation strategy session. We have to help each other!
I am also donating free memberships to the Academy of Creative Marketing. Email me at drinselman@911profit.com so we may set up a time to discuss which free membership will serve you