Today is the one year anniversary that we lost Jaxson. I sent this email out last year. The message is timeless and in the face of COVID #'s 3 and 5 are even more important, so I decided to send it again.
My heart is broken. We suddenly lost Jaxson, our eight year old Golden Retriever on Saturday. He was a very young eight years old and left us way too quickly. I always try and keep my newsletters relevant and I try to find lessons in the news of the day that will help you, my loyal readers.
Growing a practice or a business can really be distilled down into several powerful lessons that Jaxson taught me:
1. Loyalty- the number one trait in business should be loyalty. Treat your customers/clients/patients better than gold and you will be richly rewarded. Jaxson was loyal to a fault and enriched our lives 100-fold because of that Loyalty.
2. Be Authentic- authenticity makes you real. Client/patients/customers can smell B.S. a mile away. People like to interact with people and buy from people who are honest and authentic. Jaxson was quirky, fun and authentic. Maybe that is why everyone (neighbors, friends, strangers) wanted to watch him, walk him, and play with him. If he owned a business, I can guarantee you people
would want to buy from him.
3. Be Grateful- When you practice gratitude you will gain altitude. There is nothing negative and stress melts away with gratitude. Jaxson was grateful every time we walked through the door. Full-body hugs and he could kill you with the whip of his tail. He chose to focus on, not that we were
gone for several hours and he missed us but, instead how happy he was to see us. I have chosen to focus on the great times with him instead of being sad. Don't get me wrong...I am authentic...so I am freakin' devastated but I am moving my mind consciously to be grateful for the eight years we had.(In the face of this pandemic what can you be grateful about? At present I have not seen my parents in one year. My Mom is not well. As I write this update she is in the hospital. I have
chosen to be grateful that I have been zooming with them this past year instead of focusing on not being there. I still can't wait to see and hug them in person.)
4. Be Happy and Have a Pleasing Personality- Look at that picture above. He was always happy and had an amazing pleasing personality. What would happen if you had the same disposition in your business every-single day?
5. Show Genuine Concern- Folks, people do not buy your goods, products, or services. They buy YOU! If we were sick, or anxious or not right, Jaxson knew it and showed genuine concern. Whether it was a nudge of my hand, sitting on my chest, or bringing me a toy, he knew how to make gray skies return to blue. What would happen if you checked up on your clients/patients, or customers after hours? What would happen if you helped them celebrate happy
milestones and also were there, I mean really there for them in bad times? My clients know that I would take a bullet for them and then give them a kidney to boot.
Yeah life is complex, but actually it is pretty simple. Thank you Jaxson for being my best friend and for making life easy. Even in death you get to teach me and I in turn can teach others. I love you baby-boy! Till we meet again.
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
UPDATE: In August we got Cassie. She is 7 months old now and crazier than ever. I have to tell you it is much different raising a Golden Retriever puppy at age 30 vs 60! She loves to get adjusted and take long naps after a hard day of playing
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.