Let's face it, it will be nice to see 2020 go away. For some the pandemic has been economically devastating. For others, who have lost loved ones, the emotional toll is not calculatable. Everyone has their horror story.
We suddenly lost our dog in February. Next we cancelled my daughters wedding. Then some friends died from COVID. Then we cancelled my daughters wedding again. I haven't seen my aging and ill parents in a year...and I bet your horror stories can top mine.
My point...
No matter what, good times, bad times or in-between times, the basics will always save the day. You be the judge. This is what I do every single day which has made me lucky during this pandemic. It has made me lucky before the pandemic; and, it will make me lucky after the pandemic. You are free to try for yourself and see if your luck changes too.
1. I get up every morning and work on my head space
a. I read or listen to something positive and motivating
2. I look at my goals and visualize them coming to fruition
3. I run through the obstacles that are preventing me from achieving my goals
4. I create my action steps to overcome those obstacles
5. I am super frugal with money (not cheap). I want value and return on anything that I spend
6. I bank 30-50% of my salary (I live waaaaaay below my means) I can afford a way bigger house and car but I don't
7. I put others first...always. I serve others first.
8. I watch very little to no television
9. I don't watch the news, I am news aware via google feeds but I don't dwell
10. I pay off my credit card each month in full-ALWAYS or I don't put a purchase on the card
11. I return all calls, emails, and texts by the end of the day
12. I look to build others up
13. I am interested and I care about other people
14. I am constantly reading and learning new things
15. I invest lots of money for coaches, classes, and seminars that will better my skill-sets and improve me and me as a person
16. I cherish my family(married for 35 years to the BEST woman on the planet...how freakin' lucky am I??) 2 great daughters who I am so proud of!
17. I speak to God every night and ask him to help me become the better person that I want to be which will take me to the next level(right out of Think and Grow Rich)
18. My word is my bond. If I say it and agree to it I will do it no matter what
19. I eat cleanly
20. I move my body
21. I am grateful
22. I look for the good in everything
23. I am always innovating my businesses
24. I take calculated risks
25. I create multiple streams of income
These 25 things that I do, have become my recipe. I am happy to share the recipe with you as well as the recipe for my grandma's cookies. They are both great. If you choose to execute my recipe let me know how it works for you. It has been the catalyst of a very tasty life for which I am eternally grateful.
Take a leap of faith with me here for a moment. I know if you are struggling this seems like pie in the sky. Let me tell you anyone can achieve anything they want if they commit and are willing to change their present lifestyle if it is not serving them well. You can do it too!
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.