‘A $100,000 Question’
When I start coaching a client….
I asked ONE QUESTION to get us started every single time.
“So, what’s your 20-year plan?”
Once they answered this question…
And its likely 1000 times harder than you’d assume…
The answers became obvious.
Kobe Bryant wanted to be the greatest basketball player of all time.
That was his 20-year plan.
Pretend your Kobe for a minute and answer these questions on his behalf.
Should I train three times per day or once?
Should I wake up at 6am or 9am?
Should I binge-watch Netflix?
Should I go drinking tonight with a game tomorrow?
Should I eat vegetables or chocolate cake?
Should I marry my childhood sweetheart or spend my time at the club picking up girls?
Should I get a coach to help me or should I do it on my own?
Should I start a silly political debate on FB with people suffering madly from cognitive dissonance?
The game is over, we lost in overtime and I’m tired. Should I stay and dissect the game film to see what happened / where I can improve?
The answers are obvious.
Another example I use is ‘if you were driving from New York to LA… you’d expect some traffic jams, detours, etc…
But you don’t change the destination when you hit a roadblock… you just adjust your route and continue on the path.
The reason you keep getting pulled in 10 different directions is because you haven’t established a BULLETPROOF 20-year plan.
Hence why I asked the question.
I did it for you when you came onboard
But I also did it for me.
I want to make coaching you easy…. And get you to there quickly.
So, my loyal reader, what’s your 20-year plan?
You’re welcome.
Speaking of your 20-year plans….
If you are looking for a career change, I can train you on how to find any business owner $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
Then back it up with my revolutionary business coaching software.
Think that might help you establish a career where you can help lots of people; work from home; and earn a lot of money?
Click Here to Watch a Webinar that will explain this special and unique opportunity in full.
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PS. Victory loves preparation.
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