Yesterday I explained how to craft a powerful message but coming up with it isn’t enough….
You then need to present that powerful message in a compelling way.
Before your prospective client will respond to your compelling offer they need to be led through a series of ordered steps:
In other words, an effective marketing message for you should have an organized structure to it:
- Must bring awareness of need and / or desire
- Told about the solution which would fill that void
- Shown a vehicle (you / your product / your industry) with that solution
- Have a reason to act immediately (a mafia-style offer – which is one they can’t refuse)
Paramount you understand they must be walked through these ordered steps above.
Look online at a series of websites or advertisements and see how many companies walk you through the above process on their website, marketing or advertising.
Let me save you the time… you won’t find one. This is why our clients crush their markets because our clients do!
Your message has 3 more mandatory steps.
1. Flairs interest from the prospect in some manner.
Otherwise stated it presents the information in an interesting ‘benefit orientated’ way for their prospect.
This is done successfully in the weight loss industry through before and after photos, creative statistics not usually made available, powerful narrative and stories about you or your company (Zappos did this well), wild statistics
(think of the Virus and the way they scare you - stats etc…)
We get so much interest because we are able to find any business owner $10,000 to $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
2. Tells them what to do next.
Effective marketing tells you what to do and then provides a reason (over stocked, under stocked, Christmas, Anniversary, Your Birthday, Limited Time Offer etc…) you should respond
3. Walks them through the ‘process’ every time from first to last step.
A huge mistake made in marketing is taking short cuts and essentially selling on ‘talent’ vs the process after it starts to work.
If you’re head salesperson in your company because ‘when you need something done properly you do it yourself’… then you have a problem.
The money is always in the process and you must recognize that as good as you are… you basically say / do the same thing time after time. Most small businesses do not have a process which is why they have to work so hard. Our clients
have processes and work smarter not harder!
If you continue down this track, you will never own a ‘business’… only own a ‘job’ and I’m pretty sure that’s not why you went into business.
The above is how to present the marketing message you came up with yesterday in a systematic way.