The human mind doesn’t perform well when given difficult but repetitive tasks.
Think of the cockpit of an airplane or a nurse in the ICU.
We tend to miss critical steps that end with errors, omissions, and other problems.
The depth and breadth of what we know have exceeded our ability to deliver effectively on the knowledge correctly, safely, or reliably.
A checklist is the solution.
When nurses in the ICU created a checklist for what should be done… the average stay in the ICU dropped by more than half.
And no doubt you wouldn’t want to fly in a plane with a pilot that didn’t go through his / her pre-flight checklist.
A checklist at the grocery store can save you thousands, stop impulse purchases, save extra trips that double up your impulse buying…
… Come to think of it, can someone please send this to my wife..?
What you’ve learned has saved you but it also burdens you.
Here are my experiences with checklists.
- Checklists bring order to a chaotic mind
- Checklists will save you from failure
- Checklists will provide you a higher standard of baseline performance (CRITICAL)
- Checklists should be kept to less than 9 items
- Checklists will dramatically reduce your anxiety as well as help you sleep
- Checklists are your helper. If it doesn’t help… the checklist is not correct
What checklists have you created for your lead generation to ensure your business thrives?
If you’re like the masses you do not have a single checklist in your entire life right now. If you do...pat yourself on the back...well done!
Whenever thinking of your business chunk it down into these three categories:
- Lead Generation
- Conversion
- Fulfillment of your product or service
What checklists do you need help creating that will help your business soar?