Think and grow Rich and The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill are two books that literally changed my life for the infinite better and I hope they change yours too. These are DO books not READ books. If you
DO them everyday your life can never and will never be the same!
Seriously. I have helped more people with these tools. I have made more money as a result of using these tools and I have developed an inner peace that had alluded me for years.
As a result of these books, I now have over 75 coaches on my team that can handle every single solitary business problem on the planet earth and beyond! We have software that will find any small business $10,000-$100,000 in lost
revenue in under 45 minutes; and we are helping clients succeed that I thought could only happen in my dreams. READ AND DO THOSE BOOKS!!!!!!!!
- It’s called THINK and grow rich for a reason. Work on controlling and channeling what you think about.
- Failure is a necessary part of your journey.
- Do not quit when ‘problems’ arrive.
- Stop telling your friends, family, and community your dreams…. SHOW THEM.
- You should seek knowledge on a daily basis.
- It’s not about what you know… it’s about what you DO with what you know. You get paid to DO… not to think about what to do.
- An average level of desire will bring you an average level of results.
- Refusing to give up is your secret to winning.
- Your happiness will be found in you DOING.
- Achieving your loftiest dreams starts with your level of HUNGER.
- Get out of your head and start NOW.
Most people work hard to avoid problems,…
Problems are what make you GROW.