As my clients can attest for the last 8 weeks we have been talking about innovation and the opportunity that COVID gives us.
Two of my best (and favorite) clients happen to be my daughters. I get to share the story of innovation in a very proud Dad moment.
Brittany, my oldest is a very successful Occupational Therapist. Jessi, my youngest (who just got married Yay!) is a very successful speech language pathologist.
When the pandemic hit they asked me what should we do. In typical Dad fashion I asked "what do you want to do and what opportunity do you see?" That gave me the proverbial Dad is crazy eye roll.
We proceeded to isolate and analyze each system in their business. We determined what could and what could not sustain if the pandemic worsened.
They then proceeded to create a virtual model, saw the opportunity to serve the community in a better way, and are building a hugely successful business. They got picked up today and they were interviewed by the local news. Click here to watch the interview when the page pulls up you can click on the video and then you
can read the transcript below. (a huge proud Dad moment!)
I give them all the credit. They sought help; they created a plan; they executed their plan; they tweaked their plan until they got their desired results and they are literally off to the races!
You can do the same in your business.
I want to help you. there is no reason for any of my readers to be stressed and not creating the life and business of their dreams. If you want to explore how you can innovate too, click this link and set up a free strategy session with me you will be happy that you did and you family will be too.
One last thing...if you decide to become part of our coaching family, I cannot lie, my kids will still be my favorite clients...but maybe you can be the second most favorite.
Thanks for allowing me to share my proud Dad moment by using it as a teaching moment. Congratulations Brittany and Jessi! Well deserved success and...I love you both to the moon and back. (they are subscribers to the newsletter too. LOL)
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS; If you know anyone who needs schooling solutions, Occupational Therapy, Or Speech Therapy You may click here to contact my girls. They are also hiring teachers for virtual work so if you know of any teachers they can go to that link too.