Once again my phone rang a lot this week. There is a big difference between new client calls and established client calls. The established clients for the most part, are calm, cool and collected as they execute the various plans and strategies that we have previously established.
The new client calls, for the most part are filled with fear, gloom and dread. I understand why. If you are navigating this crisis all alone it very easy to make business decisions based on emotion. That is a sure-fired-way to make wrong decisions and to lose money.
If you are still thinking these thoughts, you may want to make a shift:
1. If you are lucky to have your own business have gratitude. Even if things are rough now you are not at the mercy of an employer. Unemployment is high and if this pandemic keeps ramping up it will be higher. Owning your own business is the place to be.
2. You must understand that running a business during a crisis is vastly different than running a business during good economic times. Do you know the difference?
3. Having a clear and well though out written plan is the key to thriving in great economic times and surviving during poor economic times. Do you have a written plan?
4. Understanding and running your business on the fundamental business principles will always prevail over running a business by the seat of your pants. Which are you doing?
5. Hiring the right advisors is the key to creating non-emotional business plans and accountability? Who are your trusted advisors?
What is your biggest business challenge right this very minute? If you want me to solve it for you email me at drinselman@911profit.com
Here is a link to a webinar that I did in the beginning of the Pandemic. Since many places are locking-down again, unfortunately this webinar information is once again timely. Click Here to register to watch this webinar that will teach you what to do right now for your business.
Our kids are our future. They will be the teachers, policeman, fireman, chiropractors, medical doctors, judges, senators and congress people in the future. COVID has a caused a huge increase in loneliness, suicides and hopelessness in many of our kids.
How do I know? I have been working with many of your kids over the past few months. It warms my heart to see the positive impact that we are having on all of these kids. These kids range in age from 7-35.
Think how much greater you would be if you had the following when you were a kid:
1. Understanding the Laws of Attraction
2. Knew how to control your thoughts and create positive thinking
3. Knew how to organize your day/week/month/and year
4. Knew and understood how to communicate effectively with all personality types
5. If you knew how to create passion in your life
6. if you knew how to create goals with meaningful action steps
7. If you understood the wheel of life and how to effectively use it to control your future and your destiny
8. If you knew how to handle money, budgets, and how to minimize debt (our seven year old's learn this! How awesome do you think they will be at age 40??
9. If you knew how to create expectation management
10. If you knew and understood how to "read" people so you can avoid hurtful or dangerous situations
11. If you learned how to apply the Golden Rule every single day of your life
12. If you understood how to prioritize all of life's tasks
13. If you knew how to motivate yourself
14. if you knew how to study
15. If you knew how to "find yourself"
Our kids are the future. As an adult, I am sure that you would agree, master that list above and master your life.
If you would like to explore the possibilities to ensure your child's future; or if they are struggling and need direction click here and let's talk. Your child will be happy that you did.
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore opportunity and possibility CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.