I got a ton of responses last week on the importance of being different and standing out. More specifically I was asked ‘how can I help you become worth talking about?
Think Uber, KFC, Twitter. They clearly stand out.
‘Me Too’ or ‘Me Better’ are just not going to get it done anymore.
Here are some areas where you can help yourself become worth talking about:
The Simplest
The Hardest
The Smallest
The Biggest
The Most Efficient
The Best
The Cheapest (careful on this one!)
The Most Expensive
The Slowest
The Fastest
The First
The Last
The Newest
The Oldest
The Most Popular
The Least Popular
The Most Unique
The Only
That should be enough to get the ball rolling.
Here are some examples.
Avis is number two so they try harder.
Toms ‘one for one’ strategy gives a child in need a pair of shoes for every pair that you buy.
My company has a double your fee guarantee. I will guarantee in writing that every month you will see double my fee in annualized revenue or cost-cutting or I will refund your money. No other business development company offers that
guarantee so we stand out and we are talked about.
Good ideas spread.
You heard it here first.