Do you know if we are finished with COVID as of 5/26/20? I don't either, nobody does. Whether happy days are here again or not I want you to be prepared.
Here are some tips:
1. Be frugal, be very frugal. Cash is king and you need to make sure that you have cash in case happy days are not here
2. Expand your advisory team and or utilize more of their services. Frugal does not mean cheap; and frugal does not mean don't spend money. Knowledge is power. Your advisers have knowledge that you need. For example, I have spoken to my accountant, attorney and business coaches more frequently and paid extra for those services to guide me in this new world. I have also spoken with my financial advisers to make sure that our investment goals ares still on
3. Keep your key employees as long as you possibly can. You will need them someday. This crisis will pass and your business will come back. If your key employees leave, it will create bigger headaches later.
I have to admit that I am very optimistic about the future. I have a lot of gratitude that my friends, family and clients have pretty much remained safe and healthy. I am grateful for all of the wonderful folks that I have been able to help over the past six weeks. If you are not optimistic or if you are feeling blue start reading motivational books and listen to motivational messages.
If your state has not opened up yet; it will. Hang in there.
The key to ramping up quickly is to create a market dominating position and have a clear vision of what you want your business to be as a result of COVID. The vision may be exactly the same and that is fine; or you may see opportunity and have decided to change your vision.
You must have absolute clarity; then you must create systems; then you must execute the systems and measure the results.
If you would like to see exactly how well or how poorly your systems have worked you may CLICK HERE to set up a free and no-obligation business strategy session and screen share. Please wear a seat-belt, I don't want you to fall out of your chair when I show you the power that this software brings to the table!