I apologize for flooding your email box. Information is coming fast and furious and I want you to have the information as quickly as possible. i will forward all information as this crisis continues to unfold.
So - I just learned. When you call your creditors, mortgage lenders, utilities, etc. asking for help due to loss of income, if you just say you've lost work, income, jobs, show cancellations, whatever, they can't help you.
Once you say "I have no income due to the Coronavirus", that's the keyword they need to hear to be able to enact their new policies, defer payments, halt late fees, etc.
And, apparently, they can't coach you to say it. You have to do it yourself.
This is a copy and paste of what I sent this morning so you can have everything in one place.
I hope this email finds you and your family safe and well. I have received this question over and over again so I figured I would put it out for everyone.
Should I sell my assets now? The short answer is NOOOOOOOOO...unless you need cash to feed your family. Let me explain why. The economy is like a Ferris Wheel, it goes up and it goes down. It will always go up and it will always go down. What you always want to do is sell on the way up not the way down.
Now I get it. All of the "experts" say and write about how the economy is crashing and housing is next blah, blah, blah. They want to sell books and get you to tune into their program. Fear sells. Cool heads always prevail.
The best predictor of the future is the past. History over the last 100 years will show you the same thing over and over again. The stock market goes down and the stock market goes back up.
Don't lose your money on the way down unless you have to feed your family. If that is the case then respectfully you need to create an 18 month emergency fund as we recommend to all our clients. Don't get me wrong the stock market and the whole economy is in for a rocky, rocky ride. Hold on enjoy the ride and your patience will be richly rewarded.
This Crisis like every other crisis will end. Unfortunately many businesses will close.The key to your business surviving and thriving again is to have a plan. Click https://my.timetrade.com/book/XW712 to schedule a free business strategy session with me. I will help you create and EXECUTE a plan. Your business can thrive again. I promise! Please share this with anyone who needs
Stay safe!
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: The Coronavirus has proven that working from home if able is the safest place to be. There is also no better time to become a business coach. People are going to be launching new businesses as a result of the crisis and they are going to need our help. I need business coaches. If you know of someone who would make a great business coach, would you forward this link to them? I will pay for all of their training and they can earn $150,000-$250,000
part time. Thank you. Click Here to Watch a Webinar that will explain this special and unique opportunity in full.