The last article I wrote on drip campaigns prompted about 462 emails all asking for a way to do good, quality marketing without breaking the bank. The Academy of Creative Marketing was created with that goal in mind.
For a limited time you can have COMPLETE DONE FOR YOU MARKETING FOR $79/MONTH. (Usually $197)
Click Here and sign up and use the Academy for two weeks if you are not happy, email me and you will receive a full refund. Experience marketing that works and that won't break the bank!
Every profession and industry is listed and has done for you marketing campaigns all ready to go. Chiropractic, Dentistry, cattle ranching, real estate, insurance, accounting and so many more are all there. Also included is a full social media package. Click here and stop spending thousands per month.
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.