I get many calls each week saying the title of this article, I'm in business for years and have no money to show for It. If you are one of the business owners saying that mantra then read on, if you truly are to ready to change your
Change will not happen on it's own. Change will happen when YOU are ready to make it happen. That means that you are going to have to go way out of your comfort zone and spend time and money (that you don't have) in a different way to get different and better results. There is no magic bullet, potion or lotion. It has been and will always be stepping out of your comfort zone and spending your time and money differently than you are doing right
After coaching business owners just like you for seventeen years, I can tell you with 100% certainty that anyone can be helped if they are willing to invest their time and money differently than they are doing right now. Follow each and every suggestion below for 30 days. Each and every one, not just the ones you like and see what happens to your business.
1. Get Your Head space right. Start doing "be" level things on a daily basis. Affirmations, journal writing, visualization, and goal setting. Create a daily plan of success. Don't create a wish, hope or dream. A daily plan for success vs. a hope, wish or dream are two entirely different things. Get spiritual. You don't have to get religious but get spiritual. Spirituality calms the
mind, elicits faith, and gives you clarity of purpose. Your action step for the next 30 days is to create your habits of excellence everyday including weekends.
2. Get a Coach. Stop spinning your wheels and making mistakes. Why do you think professional athletes, singers, dancers and any other high achiever have coaches? A business coach is a neutral third party that will prevent you from making business decisions based on emotion. Plus they will help you create and implement plans of success; and they will hold you
Results are the proof. If you can say this, "I'm in business for years and have no money to show for it" then you need coaching. PERIOD END OF STORY! Respectfully if you could do it on your own you would not be saying that. Notice I did not say coach with me. I said get a coach. Even if you had a disastrous coaching experience in the past, don't give up on the process, find a great coach to help you. Click here to read an article about what a business coach can do for you. Your action step for the next 30 days is to interview different coaching companies and see who you resonate with. Then hire
3.Get Strategic. Tactical based marketing is not as effective as strategic-based marketing. Create a UVP (unique value proposition). Next create an ideal new patient/client/customer and a budget. Then create a minimum of five campaigns that are strategic in nature. Your action step for the next 30 days is to launch a minimum of 1 strategic
campaign. Click here to take a free tour of the Academy of Creative Marketing
4. Come from a position of love not
fear. Fear will eat you alive and kill you. Fear will destroy your hopes and dreams. Faith is the opposite of fear. You need to develop that un-shake-able faith. Read books, engage with a mentor, but learn how to turn that fear around. It can be done! I can assure you with 100% certainty when faith replaces fear your whole world (business, money,
relationships, health, happiness, and spirituality) will all run with effortless ease. Your action step for the next 30 days is to turn the TV off and get and read some titles like: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon
Hill, Conversations with God, Neale Walsch, Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins or The Psychology of Winning by Denis Waitley.
5. Decide right now that you are tired of not having or achieving what you want. Then either create the steps to get what you want. If you
don't know what to do get some self-help books or Click here to take a free test to determine how well your marketing efforts will work. When you decide that you are ready to change, it is amazing how things line up in your favor. Your action step for the next 30 days is to click the link and get the free analysis so you can see where the holes are and develop a plan of attack.
I wish that everyone who is reading this newsletter understands that you have the power to create anything in your life that you want. once you understand that basic premise and act accordingly you won't be able to contain the successful growth of your business and life.