My intention for you in January , is to have your financial foundation in place; which is why I am flooding you with money tips this month.
1. Track your Non-Essential Spending-Nobody likes making cuts. These cuts are easy. If it does not make or save you money ask yourself if you really need it. If you don't CUT IT!
2. Eliminate High Interest Debt- Paying 19-21% credit card debt will make or keep you poor faster than anything in your arsenal. Consolidate into a 0% card and then stop charging. if you don't have the cash you can't afford it.
3. When a payment ends or if you find money DON'T SPEND IT. Instead build up an emergency fund or send it to a retirement fund.
4. Put Money into Tax Advantage Accounts. I love my HSA. It gives me a triple tax advantage. I also love my Roth IRA. The idea of free money when I hit 59 1/2 is very appealing. Where can you put some money to get a savings and tax benefit?
5. Grow your business. If you grew last year bravo! How can you increase your business another 15-20% this year? What is blocking you? What are your action steps? If you did not grow last year, what is your plan to grow this year?
Could you use an extra $10,000 plus in your pocket? Would that help with the holiday bills? When you have about 10 minutes click on the picture above or click here to watch how this killer software can find you $10,000-$50,000 in lost revenue.
Remember your numbers are important. Leaving money on the table is such a waste. This software will show you how we can find you hidden revenues too!
If you would like me to run your numbers for free click here.
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.