As January goes, so goes the rest of the year is a famous stock market adage. The same can be said of your business. It is so much easier growing a business that has momentum vs. one that is playing catch up ball.
Here are five things to do now:
1. Review your 2019 stats and determine what went wrong so you can correct immediately
2. More leads=more business. Create a lead generation system that will deliver to you a quality and consistent lead flow.
3. Stop making excuses. Decide right now if you want 2020 to be your record year or not. If you want it then plan for it. Create it, and, stop at nothing until you achieve it.
4. Segregate your tax bracket from every single deposit that you make. Eg. if you are in the 25% tax bracket and you deposit $1000; immediately transfer $250 into a separate account called your tax account. Never use that money except to pay your taxes. By planning for and executing a savings plan for your taxes you will never be caught short or by surprise.
5. To become wealthy plan for it. The annual IRA contribution limit is $6000 and $1000 additional if you are over 50. Make a contribution of $115 for 52 weeks. It is much easier to contribute the $115 over the year than to make a $6000 at the end of the year. Before you deploy this suggestion please check with your accountant.
You have been hearing me go wild over the new profit acceleration software. It literally takes an x-ray of the financial health of your business. Could you use an extra $10,000 plus in your pocket? Would that help with the holiday bills? When you have about 10 minutes click on the picture above or click here to
watch how this killer software can find you $10,000-$50,000 in lost revenue.
Remember your numbers are important. Leaving money on the table is such a waste. This software will show you how we can find you hidden revenues too!
If you would like me to run your numbers for free click here.
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.