I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was a bit off because I decided to get a good case of walking pneumonia. If you have never had it, I can honestly say DON'T GET IT! If you look at a really well done piece of pasta that about sums up how I feel.
This is a really important time of year in the business calendar so I mustered up enough strength to sit at my computer and type this out for you...then back to bed.
This is the time of the year when you should be putting the pedal to the metal. This is the time of the year that you will either create momentum to take you into next year or you will be wishing that you had come the end of Q1. I am going to give several short but powerful action steps to deploy immediately and for the rest of the year. Let's shuffle off to Christmas and New Year's right!
1. Measure your results and determine what went right and what went wrong this year. Then, create action steps to fix what went wrong.
2. Create real goals not wishes. I want to earn an additional $50,000 next year is a wish. I want to earn an additional $50,000 by deploying... and measuring... will allow you to know if you are headed in the right direction or not. BE SPECIFIC WITH YOUR ACTION STEPS!
3. Have someone hold you accountable. Can you imagine if you actually did all the things that you promised yourself you would do?
4. Determine right now how you would feel if you had an extra $50,000 in the bank; if you funded your 401K to the max and if all of your bills were paid ON TIME. Would you sleep better? Would your health improve? Would you be happier? Would your relationships be less stressed? What action steps you take will determine how you feel.
5. Give more service than people pay for and expect. Go two extra miles for your client/customer or patient. Treat people BETTER than you want to be treated.
Focus on those five action steps and watch your 1st quarter EXPLODE !
How many people are you sharing my newsletters with?
Remember you heard it here first!
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share. Our clients are up an average of 38% this year and we could not be happier for them!