Had dinner with a dear client the other night. He flew in to meet with me. (I love when clients fly into town!) We went to a terrific steak house and as soon as we sat down, he exclaimed, THANK YOU PAUL AND REACHED OVER THE TABLE TO GIVE ME A BIG HUG. (Joe you couldn't have done that before we sat down, so I didn't have to pull out my back??...LOL)
Anyway back to the story...
Joe went on to say "you know Paul life just seems to be getting easier and easier, why is that"? I asked him "why do you think it is"? With a puzzled look on his face, he replied "I don't know".
"How long have you been working with me"? I asked. About 18 months. "What are you doing differently since we began working together"? He said just about everything. I said "list the things for me"...here is his list... I changed the pronoun "I" to "He"
1. He has a definite aim-easy to achieve what you want when you know what you want
2. He has real written goals complete with action steps-Keeps him accountable
3. He keep statistics and analyzes them each month-Knows why he is growing or not growing
4. He works on his head-space by reading the books and MP3's that I recommend-garbage in=garbage out. He is no longer feeding his head garbage
5. He has weekly staff meetings-everyone is well trained and on the same page
6. He meets with his accountant quarterly-No more tax problem EVER!
7. He runs his cash according to the Inselman Profit Formula Equation-This equation ensures that you will be and stay profitable within 90 days
8. He created a market dominating position-He is crushing his competition because of it!
9. He goes on vacation or takes time off every three months to recharge his batteries-this is so necessary to prolong health and life
10. He does gratitude exercises-gratitude gives you altitude
11. He focuses on the solution not the problem-Try this one suggestion for 1 week
12. He exercises daily-Have to take care of your temple
13. He stopped watching TV and gave up eating junk food-This is just common sense
14. He quit smoking-More common sense
15. He coaches with me weekly-We strategize, I hold him accountable and he has someone non-emotional in his corner
16. He created a yearly marketing calendar-He loves this!
17. He is more respectful to his wife-Relationship is 1000x better
18. He invests regularly into a Roth IRA-Creating financial security
19. He smiles a lot more-Nice to see...he has amazing teeth!
20. He knows the person he needs to become and he works on that person every single day.-Most people have no clue about this key to success
Folks, this why life gets easier or harder. If you are not executing a list like the one above above, try it you will like it. Everyone should have an easy life and it is yours when you execute the proper action steps. Use the above as a guide.
Here is some GREAT news. Stop guessing and learn exactly where you are leaving money on the table.
For the next four people who click THIS LINK , I will find you a minimum of $10,000-$100,000 in lost revenue. I will also show you how to reclaim that lost revenue without spending an additional dime on your marketing.
How will I do this? By running your numbers through some pretty cool software called Profit Acceleration Software. This software will look at 27 different areas of your business or practice and find where the holes are.
How much will this cost you? Zero!
What is in this for me? I get to use your results for a new book that I am writing.
Now is the time to finish the year up strong and to create momentum for next year. I think that if you found an additional $10-$100K your holiday season would be pretty fun. What do you think?
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.