Mistakes are good if we learn from them. If we continue to make the same mistakes, well, that is just a HUGE waste of time and money. We have been talking all week about creating systems of excellence. Remember EXCELLENCE IS NOT LUCK. IT IS A LIFESTYLE AND A COMMITMENT.
Here are the most common mistakes that I see small business owners making and repeating. If you are making any of these mistakes correct immediately!
1. Failure to have a definite aim
2. Failure to write goals
3. Failure to have a consistent lead generation system
4. Failure to convert
5. Failure to cut expenses properly
6. Failure to train staff
7. Failure to create systems
8. Allowing your business to run you instead of you running your business
9. Failure to take time off
10. Failure to manage cash flow properly
11. Accumulation of credit card debt
12. Failure to believe in yourself
13. Failure to hire a business coach
14. Failure to hire a certified public accountant
15. Failure to obtain the proper insurances
16. Failure to properly communicate with friends, family, employees, and patients/clients/customers
17. Failure to understand your patient/customer/client's true problem
18. Not being able to articulate why someone should buy your product, good or service
19. Using hope as a strategy
20. Failure to invest time and money in improving yourself
Fix the nasty 20 above and see what happens to your practice, business and life!
Obsessed with your success,
Paul Inselman
PS: When you feel that you are ready to explore what peace, harmony, financial security and running your business via systems looks and feels like
CLICK HERE to set up a free telephone consultation and screen share.